Images for Mathematics
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Due uccelli e i loro riflessi, a St Maries de la mer, in Camargue (Francia).

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A feather of peacock

The feather of a peacock provides an example of dihedral symmetry of type D1.

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A heap of leaves. Some leaves evoke a dihedral symmetry of type D1.

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A flower of Plumeria acuminata, an ornamental succulent plant. The photo shows a rough cyc...

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A pea

A seed of pea (Pisum sativum), a plant belonging to the family of the Papilionaceae. If we...

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A crystal of flourite

A crystal of flourite, that has the shape of a regular octahedron.The image appears in the...

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A cactus

Plant with a succulent trunk with photosynthetic function and leaves transformed in thorns...

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Friezes on the beach

The footprints we make by walking on a beach are the most natural example of a frieze of t...

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A diatom

Unicellular alga covered in silica. The photo of this diatom seen under an optical microsc...

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Un'aragosta sulla spiaggia di Lakka Beach (Sierra Leone).

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