Images for Mathematics
the seven friezes by walking (8)
the seven friezes by folding paper (8)
the seven friezes with azulejos (8)
the seven friezes woven on a tapestry (8)
the seven friezes from Mozambico artcraft (14)
the seven friezes in haberdashery (7)
the seven friezes with a roll (7)
all together (11)
friezes ans prismatic groups (21)


A frieze ∞*

A ribbon decorated with a frieze of type ∞*.

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A frieze 22∞

A ribbon decorated with a frieze of type 22∞.

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A frieze ∞×

A ribbon decorated with a frieze of type 22∞.

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A frieze *∞∞

A ribbon decorated with a frieze of type *∞∞.

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A frieze ∞∞

A ribbon decorated with a frieze of type ∞∞.

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A frieze 2*∞

A ribbon decorated with a frieze of type 2*∞.

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A frieze *22∞

A ribbon decorated with a frieze of type *22∞.

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the seven friezes in haberdashery

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