The blue straw, laid between the mirrors that form an angle of 60°, shows the 4 rotation ...
One of the five regular polyhedra, the tetrahedron, reconstructed in the corresponding kal...
A basket seen through the kaleidoscope of the tetrahedron. From the exhibition Simmetria, ...
A bunch of flowers in the kaleidoscope of the tetrahedron. From the exhibition Simmetria, ...
The picture shows what happens when you put just one ball in the kaleidoscope of the tetra...
We can dispose a straw in the kaleidoscope of the tetrahedron so that we can see a cube. ...
One of the five regular polyhedra, the octahedron, reconstructed, in two colours, in the k...
The picture shows what happens when you put just one ball in the kaleidoscope of the tetra...
The green straw, laid between the two mirrors that form an angle of 90°, shows the 3 rota...
A bicoloured stella octangula in the kaleidoscope of the tetrahedron: the symmetry group o...
in the yellow kaleidoscope (tetrahedron)