Images for Mathematics
cyclic (230)
dihedral (525)
comparison between cyclic and dihedral (11)

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Suggestions of symmetry

The decoration of a false window in a room at the Alhambra (XIV-XV century, Granada, Spain...

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Rosettes with various types of symmetry on these felts in a small factory in Bishkek (Kirg...

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Mausoleum Apakhoja in Kashgar (China): we can see rosettes with different types of symmetr...

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Cyclic or dihedral?

A detail of the chorus in the mezquita of Cordova (Spain). At fist sight, it seems to have...

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Rosettes of type C2 (on the right) and D2 (all the others) on these carpets in a bazaar of...

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Simmetria ciclica e diedrale a confronto in questo gruppo di girandole, fotografate a Bolz...

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Un cartello

Un rosone su un cartello: a prima vista sembra potrebbe trattarsi di simmetria diedrale, d...

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Su un muro

Sul muro di una casa di Lugano, in questa strana decorazione, il tipo di simmetria cambia ...

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Su un muro

Sul muro di una casa di Lugano, in questa strana decorazione, il tipo di simmetria cambia ...

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Un pavimento

Diversi elementi di simmetria nelle decorazioni di un pavimento a Roma, nella chiesa di Sa...

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comparison between cyclic and dihedral

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