Images for Mathematics
from the exhibitions of matematita (2963)
exhibitions with matematita (83)
3D geometry (2163)
2D geometry (832)
4D geometry (597)
symmetry (3323)
topology (953)
other geometries (102)
numbers (39)
anthology of images (4354)
from school and for school (95)
other exhibitions around the world (139)
animations (67)
from "XlaTangente" (666)

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Filare di viti

Le rette parallele individuate dai filari di una vigna appaiono convergenti allo stesso pu...

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Una sfera

Una sfera decorativa costruita con fagioli neri. La decorazione mette in evidenza il fatto...

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Sections of a cube

A wooden model of the cube, cut in order to get a regular hexagon (on the left) of a equia...

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A virtual cube

A cube in the corresponding kaleidoscope. Exhibit from Simmetria, giochi di specchi - Symm...

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Un lampadario

A Sondrio, un lampadario che ha la forma di un poliedro uniforme, di tipo (3,4,4,4).Si pos...

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A polyhedron in front of a...

If we put between two perpendicular mirrors this polyhedron, we get a regular octahedron.

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A football

The common football is a uniform polyhedron of type (5,6,6) and has the same symmetry of a...

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Un piatto

In una fotografia il bordo di un piatto circolare può apparire una circonferenza oppure, ...

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Two vases

Look at the similarities and differences between the shapes of these two vases.

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3D geometry

lines and curves in 3d-space (296)sphere (63)polyhedra (1065)trasformazioni (15)surfaces in space (311)algebraic surfaces (82)ruled surfaces (92)maximum and minimum problems (17)vision problems (346)packings (24)

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