This interactive animation shows the six rings - each composed by 4 cubes - of a hypercube...
This interactive animation simulates a game with hyperdice. The hyperdice roll on the boar...
The animation shows what happens by moving a label across a Klein bottle; here we can read...
This animation shows the Klein bottle (that can be obtained by identifying the opposite si...
The animation gives an idea of the generation of the Moebius strip from a rectangle. Two s...
This interactive animation shows what happen if we imagine to identify two sides of the po...
This interactive animation gives you the possibility of creating friezes with a given type...
L'animazione mostra come "chiudere" lo sviluppo piano di un cubo nello spazio tridimension...
L'animazione mostra come passare dalla rappresentazione di un ipercubo tramite un suo svil...
L'animazione mostra un cubo che spostandosi su un ipercubo (qui raffigurato con un diagram...